Post office at glance.............

1. What is the Full form of PIN? Answer. Postal Index Number
2. When did the Pin system Started in India?Answer. 1972
3. Which is the first Indian post office outsideIndian Territory? Answer. Post office at DakshinGangotri in Antarctica (1983)
4. When did the speed post service started in India?Answer. 1986
5. Which Governor General found Telegraph and Postal systems?Answer. Lord Dalhousie
6. When did the first General Post Office opened in India?Answer. 1774 (Kolkata)
7. Which is the first postage stamp of India? Answer. SindeDawk (1852)
8. World Postal Day is observed in:Answer. October 9
9. Indian Postal Day is observed in:Answer. October 10
10. Where is the highest post office in the world situated?Hikkim (Himachal Pradesh)
11. When did Universal Postal Union founded?Answer. 1874
12. In which year Money Order system introduced in India? Answer. 1880
13. In which year Postal Life Insurance started in India?Answer. 1884
14. Where is postal staff college situated?
Answer. Ghaziabad (UP) 
15. Who was the first Minister of Communication of India?Answer. C.R.K Kidwai


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