Number, Ranking & Time Sequence.........[competitive. exam prep.... topic 19]

Such questions consists a set, group or series of numerals and candidate is asked to trace out numerals following certain given conditions or lying at defined position. There is no rule as how to attempt these questions in exams but we can practice these questions.

Type.....symbols, letters and numbers.
Directions (Q. Nos. 1 to 2) These questions are bas4ed on the following arrangement of symbols, letters and numbers.
¶ = b F 2 8 K S 7 5 # $ P L V 8 @ M 6 ­ Q, G ã 9 3 & T Y x
 How many such numbers are there in the arrangement each of which is either immediately followed by a symbols or immediately preceded by a letter ?
   (1)   None
   (2)   One
   (3)   Two
   (4)   Three
   (5)   More than three

Solution. (4) first all the numbers which are preceding by letter.

Type.... Ranking
Such questions consist generally the ranks of a person both from the top and from the bottom are given. Now, there may be questions like, how many persons/things are there or rank of other person/things.
 In a row of boys, A is 13th from the left and D is 17th from the right. If in this row A is 11th from the right then what is the positions of D from the left?
   (1)   6th
   (2)   7th
   (3)   10th
   (4)   12th
   (5)   None of these

Solution. (2) It is clear, A is 13th from the left and 11th from the right end of the row.
So, no. of boys in the row = (12 +1 +10) = 23
Now, D is 17th from the right.
No. of boys to the left of D = (23 – 17) = 6th
Hence, D is 7th from the left end of the row.

Type ....Sequence Test
Here, we have to defect exact time from the given time sequence.
 If every seconds Saturday and all Sundays are holidays in a 30 days month beginning on Saturday, then how many working days are there in that month? (Month starts from Saturday)
   (1)   20
   (2)   21
   (3)   22
   (4)   23
   (5)   24

Solution. (1) As month begins on Saturday, so 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th days will be Sundays. While 8th and 22nd days are second Saturdays. Thus, there are 7 holidays in all.
Hence, no. of working days = 30 – 7 =23


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