G.K. express...................

  1. First cloned mammal -------------- Dolly (Sheep)
  2. First atom bomb----------------- Little Boy
  3. Greenwich is in -------------England 
  4. Exposure to asbestos leads to --------Asbestosis
  5. Super computer of India -----------Param 
  6. World wide web----------------------- Tim Bernesli
  7. Pencillin-----------------------Alexander Fleming
  8. The air in the troposphere consists of ------------------78% nitrogen
  9. Oxygen was discovered by-------- Joseph Priestley & Scheele
  10. The largest flower in the world -------------Rafflesia
  11. The longest and strongest bone of the body--------------Femur
  12. Milk protein is known as ------------ CAESIN
  13. Dialysis is used for patients having---------- Kidney trouble
  14. Microorganisms capable of nitrogen fixation are------------Rhizobium
  15. who discovered the circulation of the blood -----------------William Harvey
  16. Inability of blood to clot, or coagulate----------------Hemophilia
  17. Smallpox vaccination ------------Edward Jenner
  18. Organ that controls body temperature---------------- Skin
  19. Number of bones in the human body--------- 206
  20. Flying mammal ----------------Bat
  21. Laughing gas ------------------------------Nitrous oxide
  22. Unlike most other fish, sharks have ------------------no bone
  23. The metal mercury---------------------- is a liquid at room temperature
  24. “misch metal” is widely used in the manufacture of” ------Cigarette lighters
  25. Normal body temperature ---------98.40 f
  26. “blood group called “universal donor " -------- O group
  27. “blood group called “universal recipient” ---------- AB group
  28. circulatory system’s power supply heart
  29. Organ removes wastes and excess water from the blood--------Kidney
  30. Study of twins------------ Gemellology
  31. First antibiotic drug-------------------- Pencillin
  32. Vitamin b2 is also called --------Riboflavin 
  33. “Vitamin B1” is also known as”-------------- Thiamine
  34. The water-soluble vitamin -----------------------Vitamin C
  35. Component of the red blood cells carry ----oxygen-hemoglobin
  36. Egg laying mammal is ----------------Platipus
  37. Tape recorder records sound as -----------Magnetic energy
  38. Number of chromosomes in human cell -------------46
  39. “the meaning of “fauna” -----------the animal life of a region
  40. Which is Ramanujans number---------------- 1729
  41. Red planet-------------------- Mars
  42. Fear of darkness ------------------------ Nyctophobia
  43. Geometric figure having six sides-------------------- Hexagon
  44. The heating element in an iron box is made of------ Nichrome
  45. What is ‘dermatology’ -------------study of human skin and its diseases
  46. Best conductor of electricity ---------Saline water
  47. For extinguishing fire we use --------Carbon dioxide
  48. Green pigment in plant leaf -------------------Chlorophyl 
  49. Astronomical measure of distance -------Light Year
  50. Nature and properties of light --------------Optics
  51. Pomology is the study of ------------------------Fruits
  52. “Mega-bytes” is the unit for measuring” -----------Memory capacity of computer
  53. Dialysis is used for patients having------------Kidney trouble
  54. Oncology is the study of -----------------------Cancer
  55. Analgesics are used to-------------------------- Relieve pain
  56. When iron rusts, its weight------------------Increases
  57. Insulin is used in the treatment of ---------------Diabetes
  58. The metal in the liquid state ---------------Mercury
  59. The system of modern medicine by --------------------Hippocrates
  60. Cryogenic engines find application in ---------------Rocket technology
  61. Gobar gas is rich in -------------------Methane
  62. The chemical name of vitamin C ---------------------Ascorbic acid
  63. Instrument used to test purity of milk-----------------------Lactometer
  64. Richter scale is used to measure intensity of ---------Earthquakes
  65. Largest planet in the solar system ----------------Jupiter
  66. Which is the hardest material ----------------Diamond
  67. Dengue fever is spread by ------------Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes


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