Mirror image..............[competitive. exam prep.... topic 17]

Mirror Image Questions Method In Non-Verbal Reasoning
Mirror Image or horizontal Plane and water image are two new subjects or parts in non-verbal reasoning, Mirror image is also known as horizontal plane so in this tutorial we are going to learn mirror image methods, how to solve mirror image questions easily and little tricks and shortcuts of mirror image aka horizontal plane of non verbal reasoning.
Have you ever see Your face in mirror ? basically in mirror right hand becomes left and left hand becomes right, right ? and your head seems to be same as you thinking right? so that’s the trick in mirror image right part of contents appears on left side and left part of contents appears right side but the top upper level and down lower level remains same.
Let’s see the example below.
Numerical Figure – Mirror Image of Numbers

Alphabetical Mirror image

Shortcuts & Tricks of Mirror image questions in Nonverbal reasoning
alphabetic H, I, M, O, T, U, V, W, and X seems to be same but there are much difference between them, only H, I, O, and X‘s mirror image gonna be same. if you want to practice yourself for mirror images questions, try horizontal flip on paint. you just need to add fonts, draw your image or select from internet to show how mirror image looks, use horizontal flip on paint. 


Unknown said…
Very informative thatnks for that kind of information...

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