
Showing posts from May, 2016

Coding and Decoding ...........[competitive. exam prep.... topic 20]

Coding is a system of signals. This is a method of transmitting information in the form of codes or signals without it being known by a third person. The person who transmits the code or signal, is called the sender and the person who receives it, is called the receiver. Transmitted codes or signals are decoded on the other side by the receiver—this is known as decoding. Most competitive exams have a dedicated section of Coding –Decoding in Reasoning or Mental Ability. Many of students and readers find difficulty to solve questions based on Coding – Decoding in Mental Aptitude. The Coding and Decoding Test is set up to judge the candidate’s ability. Coding and decoding tips are very useful to those who are preparing for the attending the bank exam IBPS, SBI, LIC AAO, UPSC, IAS, CAT, XAT, MAT, SSC, GATE, and other competitive exams. We have also published the Solved examples for the coding and decoding aptitude. Coding is a process of sending a message from master to slave that

Number, Ranking & Time Sequence.........[competitive. exam prep.... topic 19]

Such questions consists a set, group or series of numerals and candidate is asked to trace out numerals following certain given conditions or lying at defined position. There is no rule as how to attempt these questions in exams but we can practice these questions. Type.....symbols, letters and numbers. Directions (Q. Nos. 1 to 2) These questions are bas4ed on the following arrangement of symbols, letters and numbers. ¶ = b F 2 8 K S 7 5 # $ P L V 8 @ M 6 ­ Q, G ã 9 3 & T Y x Illustrations   How many such numbers are there in the arrangement each of which is either immediately followed by a symbols or immediately preceded by a letter ?    (1)   None    (2)   One    (3)   Two    (4)   Three    (5)   More than three Solution. (4) first all the numbers which are preceding by letter. Type.... Ranking Such questions consist generally the ranks of a person both from the top and from the bottom are given. Now, there may be questions like, how many persons

Blood relations......[competitive. exam prep.... topic 18]

Blood Relations In Blood relation section, the correct answer depends upon the knowledge of the blood relations, some of which are summarized below to help solve these tests. Mother’s or father’s son = Brother Mother’s or father’s daughter = Sister Mother’s or father’s brother = Uncle Mother’s or father’s sister = Aunt Mother’s or father’s father = Grandfather Mother’s or father’s mother = Grandmother Son’s wife = Daughter-in-Law Daughter’s husband = Son-in-Law Husband’s or wife’s sister = Sister-in-Law Husband’s or wife’s brother = Brother-in-Law Brother’s son = Nephew Brother’s daughter = Niece Uncle or aunt’s son or daughter = Cousin Sister’s husband = Brother-in-Law Brother’s wife = Sister-in-Law Grandson’s or Grand daughter’s daughter = Great grand daughter Representation through diagram #Types Based on Dialogue or Conversation Based on Puzzles Based on Symbolically Coded # Conversation or Dialogue In this type of question

Decision-Making..........[competitive. exam prep.... topic 21]

 Decision-Making is a process in which a final outcome is derived by evaluating and analysing the given data. The objective of “Decision making” is to reach a certain conclusion from the given information or a given set of conditions. Exercise question: Following are the criteria required to be fulfilled, to gain admission into any intermediate college in Andhra Pradesh (A.P): a) The candidate should have scored at least 80% marks in SSC or70% marks in CBSE. b) The candidate should have scored at least 60% marks in the entrance exam. c) The candidate should be a male and be at least 16 years old, as on 1st June, 2000. d) The candidate should be a resident of Andhra Pradesh (A.P.), i.e should have been born and brought up in A.P. In case a condition given above is not satisfied, an alternate condition for the same is given as below: e) If condition (d) is violated, but at least one relative of the candidate is presently staying in Andhra Pradesh, forthe last 5

Logical Deduction........[competitive. exam prep.... topic 16]

Logical Deduction: The phenomenon of deriving a conclusion from a single proposition or a set of given propositions, is known as logical deduction. The given propositions are also referred to as the premises. Two Inferential Processes of Deduction : I. Immediate Deductive Inference : Here, conclusion is deduced from one of the given propositions, by any of the three ways -conversion, obversion and contraposition. 1. Conversion: The Conversion proceeds with interchanging the subject term and the predicate term i.e. the subject term of the premise becomes the predicate term of the conclusion and the predicate term of the premise becomes the subject of the conclusion. The given proposition is called convertend, whereas the conclusion drawn from it is called its converse. Table of Valid Conversions Note that in a conversion, the quality remains the same and the quantity may change. 2. Obversion : In obversion, we change the quality of the proposition and rep

Mirror image..............[competitive. exam prep.... topic 17]

Mirror Image Questions Method In Non-Verbal Reasoning Mirror Image or horizontal Plane and water image are two new subjects or parts in non-verbal reasoning, Mirror image is also known as horizontal plane so in this tutorial we are going to learn mirror image methods, how to solve mirror image questions easily and little tricks and shortcuts of mirror image aka horizontal plane of non verbal reasoning. Have you ever see Your face in mirror ? basically in mirror right hand becomes left and left hand becomes right, right ? and your head seems to be same as you thinking right? so that’s the trick in mirror image right part of contents appears on left side and left part of contents appears right side but the top upper level and down lower level remains same. Let’s see the example below. Numerical Figure – Mirror Image of Numbers Alphabetical Mirror image Shortcuts & Tricks of Mirror image questions in Nonverbal reasoning alphabetic H, I, M, O, T, U, V, W, and X seems to b

Water Image.........[competitive. exam prep.... topic 15]

Water Images in non verbal reasoning is same as Mirror Images method. basically Water Image shortcuts and tricks is like flapping figure. Water image is just a reflection where top and bottom part of the images changed where left and right side of image remain same. in Mirror image left side and right side changed vice-versa where top and bottom remain same. see below example to understand in brief. Water Image Shortcuts Examples Numbers Number 0 and somehow Number 8 is gonna be same in water image reflation on non verbal reasoning method. Please note that Number 6 and 9’s reflection on water images are same like number 9 and 6 on mirror image shortcuts and tricks. water image tricks examples Alphabetical Seven Alphabets are same in water image non verbal reasoning, C, D, E, H, I, O, and X. where H, I, O, N, and X same in mirror image reflation trick on non verbal reasoning. if you want to practice water images examples and questions then try through paint. open paint writ

Problem on Age Calculation.............[competitive. exam prep.... topic 14]

‘Problems based on Ages’ – is a very popular question in Clerical Exams; it can come in either Reasoning or in Quantitative Aptitude. But it will come.I know some people leave this one out because its way too confusing to ‘em – well, let us try to see how to not get confused. The important thing in any kind of Age Problem, is to decide which age – present or past or future – to be taken as ‘x’! RULES..... Let us make a simple rule for ourselves – the ‘x’ should be the present age always. In most cases, taking the present age as ‘x’, i.e., the base year works just fine. Past will become, say (x-5) years, and future can be denoted as (x+5). But sometimes, ‘present age’ is not directly given in words. Then, take ‘x’ to be the age you are supposed to find. You can also try putting yourself in someone’s place and try to calculate the age! Also, sometimes – when nothing works and you’re stuck on an age question in the last 4 minutes of the exam – just look at the options

Number series........[competitive. exam prep.... topic 13]

How to solve number series problems easily By Tricks Generally, two kinds of series are asked in the examination.  One is based on numbers and the other based on alphabets. Step 1: Observer are there any familier numbers in the given series.  Familier numbers are primes numbers, perfect squares, cubes ... which are easy to identify. Step 2: Calculate the differences between the numbers.  Observe the pattern in the differences.  If the differences are growing rapidly it might be a square series, cube series, or multiplicative series.  If the numbers are growing slowly it is an addition or substration series. If the differences are not having any pattern then 1.  It might be a double or triple series.  Here every alternate number or every 3rd number form a series 2.  It might be a sum or average series.  Here sum of two consecutive numbers gives 3rd number.  or average of first two numbers give next number             Step 3: Sometimes number will be multiplied and wi

Direction Sense .............[competitive. exam prep.... topic 20]

Direction Sense Test is the verbal reasoning. In this section need to find the directions along with the distance. Most of the competitive exam will ask 4 to 5 questions from direction sense test. Candidates can easily score the marks in this direction sense test. This direction sense test is nothing but a precise of sensing the direction. To solve the direction sense test first need to make a sketch of given data. Mostly problem will solve by making the sketch. We have clearly described the direction Sense test Tricks, tips and Shortcut here. Which is more useful to the aspirants to make practice. Therefore this area is easy to score more marks in exam. Aspirants are need to sense the correct direction by using given data. We have also uploaded the direction problems or Questions with solutions for the aspirants to make practice. Direction Sense Problem Solving Tricks Tips With Solutions For solving this kind of Verbal Reasoning Direction Questions need to remember of four mai

INPUT OUTPUT.......[competitive. exam prep.... topic 12]

One of the most scoring questions in any Banking exam is Input-Output. These questions look tough and often take up huge chunks of your valuable time in solving. With the SBI PO prelim paper brought down to 1 hour duration, it is of vital importance that these questions be solved quickly. Learning short tricks to handle these types of questions will significantly boost your reasoning score. Be warned, this method looks tougher than it is. You will need to sit down with a pen and paper to understand this one. But it is truly an easy method. Once you grasp it, you can cut down your time spent on input-output questions to less than a quarter of what you used to. If earlier you spent 8-10 minutes trying to solve 5 input output questions, you can now solve them in 2 minutes! Isn’t that amazing? So all we ask for is patience while you read on. WHAT IS INPUT OUTPUT Machine input or Input Output is a question type, where the candidate is given some kind of word and number arrangement. Wi