Blue LED’s wins the Nobel Prize

Light is a basic human need which is one of the most fundamental industry across history; from firewood to oil and oil to the electric bulb. Invention of electricity has benefited the man kind in lots of ways. As before its invention, almost all human activity used to get stop when the Sun went down. But now nothing stops. Similarly, the blue led’s invention has opened the doors to cut an enormous amount of energy used before.

The Nobel prize goes to three developers two from Japan & one from the U.S. who will share the prize money of around eight million kronor (£0.7m).,Isamu Akasaki and Hiroshi Amano at Nagoya University, Japan, and Shuji Nakamura of the University of California at Santa Barbara have won the Nobel prize in physics for the invention of blue light-emitting diodes – an energy-efficient and environment-friendly light source. They were named at a press conference in Sweden, and join a prestigious list of 196 other Physics laureates recognized since 1901.

Although the red and green lights are with us from many years but this new invention has added a lot in our efficiency and in conserving techniques. Without blue LED it was just next to impossible to produce white light.. Using the blue light, LED lamps emitting white light could be created in a new way. White LED lamps, meanwhile, deliver light to many offices and households. They use much less energy than both incandescent and fluorescent lamps.

Crux: - “As about one-fourth of world electricity consumption is used for lighting purposes, the LED's contribute to saving the Earth’s resources. So the prize is totally admirable and the developers really deserve it.


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