INDIAN AND WORLD GEOGRAPHY ...............................
1. The stratosphere is said to be ideal for flying jet aircraft. This is because
(a) this layer is rich in ozone which reduces fuel consumption
(b) the temperature is constant and ideal for aircraft engine efficiency
(c) this layer is out of the firing range of anti-aircraft guns
(d) of the absence of clouds and other weather phenomena
2. Which factors do not affect the amount of insolation?
(i) solar constant (ii) surface temperature (iii) length of day (iv) rotation of the earth
(a) i and iii (b) ii and iv (c) iii and iv (d) ii, iii and iv
3. The velocity of winds is governed by
(a) pressure gradient (b) Farrel's Law (c) rotation of the earth (d) temperature
4. Over which region is the temperature the highest near the tropopause?
(a) around the equator (b) over the Arctic region
(c) near the Tropic of Capricorn (d) near the Tropic of Cancer
5. Identify the factors responsible for change in seasons on the earth's surface.
(i) rotation of the earth (ii) revolution of the earth
(iii) inclination of the axis of the earth (iv) rotation of the sun
(a) i and iii (b) ii and iii (c) i and ii (d) i, ii and iv
6. What is the vapor pressure?
(a) the Presence of vapor in air (b) barometric Pressure
(c) pressure only due to vapor in the air (d) Pressure in the clouds
7. What is measured by the sling psychromotor?
(a) temperature (b) humidity (c) pressure (d) wind velocity
8. What is stated in terms of grams of water vapor per kilogram of moist air?
(a) specific humidity (b) relative humidity (c) vapor pressure (d) absolute humidity
9. Amount of water vapor (grams) in a given volume of air (cubic meter) is known as
(a) specific humidity (b) relative humidity (c) mixing ratio (d) absolute humidity
10. The temperature at which an air parcel will become saturated with the present amount of water
vapor is called
(a) critical temperature (b) saturation point (c) dew point (d) condensation point

11. About what percentage of the total cattle population of the world is accounted for by India?
(a) 30 (b) 20 (c) 10 (d) 15
12. Cattle belonging to the famous Gir breed are found mainly in
(a) Haryana, Punjab and Rajasthan (b) Gujarat, West Bengal and Tamil Nadu
(c) Maharashtra, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh (d) Gujarat, Rajasthan and Maharashtra
13. What does the word murrah refer to?
(a) a breed of cattle (b) a breed of buffalo (c) a breed of goat (d) a breed of sheep
14. The Mehsana breed of buffalo is found mainly in
(a) Gujarat (b) Punjab (c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Haryana
15. Nili is a breed of buffalo found mainly in
(a) Punjab and Haryana (b) Gujarat and Maharashtra (c) Tamil Nadu and Kerala
(d) Uttar Pradesh and Bihar

16. In which region can the phenomenon of midnight sun be observed?
(a) in the tropical zone (b) in warm temperate regions
(c) in the Arctic and Antarctic regions (d) anywhere at the time of solar eclipse
17. Fanel's Law is concerned with the
(a) direction of winds (b) velocity of winds (c) intensity of waves (d) none of these.
18. Blizzards are characteristic of _________ region.
(a) equatorial (b) tropical (c) antarctic (d) temperate
19. What is a cyclone?
(a) a low pressure system with clockwise winds in the northern hemisphere
(b) a high pressure system with anticlock-wise winds in the northern hemi sphere
(c) a low pressure system with anticlock-wise winds in the northern hemisphere
(d) a high pressure system with clockwise winds in the northern hemisphere
20. Which one is an anticyclone?
(a) low pressure system with clockwise winds in the northern hemisphere
(b) high pressure system with clockwise winds in the northern hemisphere
(c) low pressure system with clockwise winds in southern hemisphere
(d) high pressure system with clockwise winds in southern hemisphere CACCB

21. Where do Bhagirathi and Alakananda join to form Ganga?
(a) Karan Prayag (b) Dev Prayag (c) Rudra Prayag (d) Gangotri
22. Two volcanic islands in Indian territory are
(a) Kavaratti and New Moor (b) Great Andaman and Little Nicobar
(c) Pamban and Barren (d) Narcondam and Barren
23. The most important objective behind establishment of biosphere reserves is
(a) protection of endangered species of animals
(b) preservation of tigers and crocodiles
(c) preservation of the overall biotic diversity
(d) optimum utilization of the forest products
24. Which of the following statements is true?
(a) Eastern Ghats form a continuous system of hills along the eastern coast of India.
(b) Western face of the Western Ghats is in the form of an escarpment.
(c) The continental shelf is wider along the Bay of Bengal coast of India.
(d) Tropical easterly jet poses a hindrance to the onset of Indian monsoon.
25. Which of the following statements is true?
(a) Cotton can be grown only on black soils.
(b) Eastern part of Rajasthan is wetter than the western part.
(c) Climate of Tamil Nadu shows an influence of westerly disturbances.
(d) Whole of Rajasthan desert is a sandy desert. BDCBB

26. The homeland of the Yakuts is
(a) Iran (b) Russian tundra (c) Kenya (d) North India
27. Lapps Inhabit
(a) East Africa (b) European steppes (c) South American grasslands (d) European tundra
28. The indigenous people living in the steppes of the Russia are the
(a) Kirghiz (b) Tuareg (c) Bushmen (d) Bhils
29. Which of the alternatives is/are correctly matched?
(i) Eskimo-Canada (ii) Oran-Norway (iii) Lapps-India (iv) Gonds-Africa
(a) i and ii (b) ii an iii (c) only iv (d) only i
30. Which one is wrongly matched?
(a) Pygmies-Zaire Basin (b) Veddas-Nepal (c) Kikuyu-Kenya (d) Papuans-New Guinea

31. Dew is caused when
(a) humid air condenses on cool surface (b) the air is colder than the earth's surface
(c) the sky is overcast at night (d) the wind is too dry to cause rainfall
32. Where is the famous Tuscarora Deep located?
(a) near USA (b) off Japan (c) off Lakshadweep (d) near the Australian coast
33. In which of the following areas is salinity likely to be the highest?
(a) Indian Ocean (b) Red Sea (c) North Pacific (d) North Atlantic
34. One of the warm currents in the Indian Ocean is the
(a) Labrador Current (b) Agulhas Current (c) Curoshio Current (d) Humboldt Current
35. Consider the following Pairs:
(i) Anemometer Wind velocity
(ii) Psychrometer Earthquake waves
(iii) Hygrometer Humidity
(iv) Opisometer Velocity of automobiles
Which of the above pairs are correctly matched?
(a) i, ii and iii (b) ii, iii and iv
(c) i, and iii (d) i, ii, iii and iv
36. What is the relationship between solar day and sidereal day?
(a) Both are equal (b) Solar day is longer than sidereal day
(c) Solar day is shorter than sidereal day (d) There is no relationship between the two
37. One Astronomical Unit is the average distance between
(a) Earth and the Sun (b) Earth and the Moon (c) Jupiter and the Sun (d) Mars and the Sun
38. How much of the surface of the moon is visible from the earth?
(a) more thar75% (b) only about 40% (c) about 59% (d) about 65%
39. What is the unit of measurement of the distances of stars from the earth?
(a) light year (b) fathoms (c) nautical miles (d) kilometers
40. On the surface of the moon, the
(a) mass and weight become lesser (b) mass remains constant and only the weight is lesser
(c) only the mass is lesser (d) mass and weight both remain unchanged.
41. Assuming the directions similar to those on the earth, which planet/planets
will experience a sunrise in the west?
(i) Mercury (ii) Uranus (iii) Saturn (iv) Venus
(a) i and ii (b) ii and iv
(c) i and iv (d) iii and iv
42. The minimum distance between the sun and the earth occurs on
(a) December 22 (b) June 21 (c) September 22 (d) January 3
43. On the day the sun is nearest to earth, the earth is said to be in
(a) aphelion (b) perihelion (c) apogee (d) perigee
44. The earth is at its maximum distance from the sun on
(a) July 4 (b) January 30 (c) September 22 (d) December 22
45. Which of the statements does not prove the spherical shape of the earth?
(a) If the earth were flat one would come across some sharp edges
(b) The sunrise is not visible from all places at the same time
(c) The shadow of the earth at the time of the solar eclipse is circular
(d) The altitude of the stars from various points on the earth's surface varies.

46. Which ones are wrongly matched?
(i) typhoons-China Sea (ii) hurricanes-Indian Ocean
(iii) cyclone-West Indies (iv) tornadoes-Australia
(a) i, ii, and iii (b) i, ii and iv (c) i, iii and iv (d) ii, iii and iv
47. Laterisation occurs in
(a) warm, humid areas (b) poorly drained areas
(c) cool temperate areas (d) riverine tracts
48. The pedogenic regime with which the movement of salts to the upper layers
of soils is associated (through capillary action) is
(a) podzolisation (b) gleisation c) laterisation (d) calcification
49. To which group does the black cotton soil of India belong?
(a) laterite (b) podzol c) chernozem (d) alluvial
50. Lines joining places experiencing a thunderstorm at the same time are known as
(a) isohyets (b) isochrones (c) isobronts (d) isophenes

51. Isochrones are lines joining places with equal
(a) longitude (b) travelling time from a point (c) rainfall (d) frost
52. Isohalines are the isopleths of
(a) height (b) salinity (c) transport cost (d) hail
53. The other name for contour lines is
(a) isopotential (b)isotherm (c) isohypse (d) isohyet
54. Isobaths are used to show
(a) pressure (b) rainfall (c) depth (d) time
55. Isonif lines are the isopleths of
(a) frost (b) rainfall (c) sunshine (d) snowfall
56. On which days do the spring tides occur?
(i) new moon (ii) first quarter of the moon
(iii) third quarter of the moon (iv) full moon
(a) i, ii and iv (b) ii, iii and iv (c) i and iv (d) ii and iii
57. What is a tidal bore?
(a) a tidal wave resulting from seismic activity
(b) a deposit of sand in coastal areas
(c) a formation of polyps just above high tide level
(d) a high tidal wave moving upstream in the mouth of a river
58. Which of the following will never get the vertical rays of the sun?
(a) Srinagar (b) Mumbai (c) Chennai (d) Thiruvananthpuram
59. The longest day in Australia will be on
(a) June 21 (b) September 22 (c) December 22 (d) March 23
60. The difference in the duration of day and night increases
as one moves from the ____ to the _____
(a) Equator, Poles (b) Poles, equator
(c) Tropic of Cancer, equator (d) Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn

61. Isohels are the isopleths of
(a) sunshine (b) flowering time (c) rain (d) clouds
62. Light from the nearest star reaches the earth in
(a) 4.3seconds (b) 4.3 minutes (c) 43 minutes (d) 4.3 years
63. Which comet appears every 76 years?
(a) Hailey's (b) Holme's (c) Donati's (d) Alpha Centauri
64. The moon's period of revolution with reference to the sun is
(a) equal to one solar month (b) equal to one sidereal month
(c) equal to one s1'nodic month (d) none of these
65. We always see the same face of the moon because
(a) it is smaller than the earth.
(b) it revolves on its axis in a direction opposite to that of the earth.
it takes equal time for both revolution around the earth and rotation on its own axis.
(d) it rotates at the same speed as the earth around the sun.

66. Which layer of the atmosphere maintains an almost uniform horizontal temperature?
(a) troposphere (b) tropopause (c) stratosphere (d) all of these
67. The thickness of the troposphere increases in
(a) summer (b) winter (c) spring (d) autumn
68. Fall in air temperature with increasing elevation is known as
(a) thermal anomaly (b) thermal reduction (c) temperature fall (d) lapse rate
69. Where is the doldrums belt located?
(a) near the equator (b) near the polar areas
(c) on the Tropic of Cancer (d) on the Tropic of Capricorn
70. What is the name given to winds blowing from subtropical high pressure regions, to the equator?
(a) westerlies (b) tropical easterlies (c) high latitude easterlies (d) doldrums

71. Identify the sedimentary rocks.
(i) basalt (ii) limestone (iii) shale (iv) granite (v) quartzite
(a) i and ii (b) ii and iii (c) ii and v (d) iii and iv
72. Which of the following are not a planetary wind?
(a) easterlies (b) westerlies (c) drainage winds (d) trade winds
73. How much pressure is exerted by the atmosphere at sea level?
(a) one kg per sq. cm (b) one pound per sq. cm
(c) five kg per sq. cm (d) two kg per sq. cm
74. What will happen if the temperature of water is lowered from 8°C to 3°C?
(a) water will freeze (b) water will not change in volume
(c) the volume will first increase, then decrease
(d) the volume will first decrease, then increase
75. Which is the shortest route from Moscow to San Francisco?
(a) via Canada (b) over land (c) over the South Pole (d) over the North pole

76. To which group do most of the Indians belong?
(a) Caucasoid (b) Negroid (c) Australoid (d) Mongoloid
77. The rate of erosion in a stream is highest where
(a) depth is greater (b) breadth is greater (c) velocity is more (d) the river joins the sea
78. The best way to define rock types will be:
(a) igneous-carbonate-metamorphic (b) sedimentary-igneous-limestone
(c) igneous-sedimentary-metamorphic (d) igneous-metamorphic-marble
79. As one moves from the equator to the poles along a meridian
(a) the variety of plants and animals increase
(b) the variety of plants and animals decrease
(c) the variety of plants increases and of animals decreases
(d) the variety of animals increases and of plants decreases
80. What is meant by ‘willy-willy’?
(a) tropical cyclone near Australia (b) an earthquake (c) a very high ride
(d) a tropical cyclone near India

81. The theory suggesting that the continents of South America and Africa were once joined
together was the
(a) continental drift theory (b) tetrahedral theory
(c) Kant's theory (d) Ritter's theory
82. Plains formed due to the filling up of lakes are called
(a) delta Plains (b) flood plains (c) till plains
(d) lacustrine plains
83. Plateaus situated in between plains and mountains are called
(a) intermontane plateaus (b) continental plateaus
(c) piedmont plateaus (d) peninsular plateaus
84. The Red Sea is an example of a
(a) folded structure (b) faulted structure
(c) lava structure (d) residual structure
85. Metamorphic rocks originate from
(a) igneous rocks (b) sedimentary rocks
(c) both igneous and sedimentary rocks (d) none of these

86. Which one of the following is a great circle?
(a) tropic of Cancer (b) tropic of Capricorn (c) equator (d) Arctic circle
87. Rocks formed deep inside the earth as a result of solidification of lava are called
(a) plutonic rocks (b) volcanic rocks (c) metamorphic rocks (d) sedimentary rocks
88. The layers in soil are referred to as
(a) horizons (b) profile (c) hard pans (d) pedocals
89. Which of the pedogenic regimes is associated with hot, dry climates?
(a) podzolisation (b) gleisation (c) laterisation (d) salinisation
90. With what type of climate is the pedogenic regime of podzolisation associated?
(a) hot and dry (b) humid temperature (c) equatorial (d) cool and dry

91. Which place will experience sunlight for the longest period in summer?
(a) Mumbai (b) Srinagar (c) Chennai (d) Kolkata
92. The South Pole experiences continuous light at the time of
(a) winter solstice (b) summer solstice (c) vernal equinox (d) autumnal equinox
93. A person planning to travel by the shortest route should follow
(a) the winds (b) the rivers (c) the latitudes (d) the longitudes
94. A day is added when one crosses
(a) The equator from north to south (b) 180° longitude from west to east
(c) 180° longitude from east to west (d) the equator from south to north.
95. The order of the layers in the atmosphere, upwards from below, is
(a) stratosphere, troposphere, ionosphere and exosphere.
(b) exosphere, ionosphere, troposphere and stratosphere.
(c) troposphere, stratosphere, ionosphere and exosphere.
(d) troposphere, magnetosphere, stratosphere and exosphere.

96. Which region is most famous for citrus fruits?
(a) deserts (b) monsoon regions (c) temperate grasslands (d) mediterranean regions
97. What is the most important crop of the temperate grasslands?
(a) date (b) citrus fruit (c) cereals (d) sugarcane
98. Which area is important for soft wood forests?
(a) monsoon regions (b) mid-latitude deserts (c) tundra regions (d) cold-temperate regions
99. Study the following pairs:
(i) Limonite Iron
(ii) Pyrite Copper
(iii) Argentite Silver
(iv) Galena Zinc
Which of the following pairs are correctly matched?
(a) i, iii and iv (b) i, ii and iv (c) i, ii and iii (d) ii, iii and iv
100. Iron is obtained mostly from
(a) haematite (b) magnetite (c) siderite (d) iron pyrites


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