Text Abbreviations You Need to Know...................

You may be a proper grammarian who wants little to do with the popular shortcut to communicating devised with the expanding use of technology for transmitting messages. Whether you like it or not, in today’s day and age, it’s simply how much communication is accomplished.
Of course, face-to-face communication is usually best and even phone and hand-written notes are better than texting. Sometimes, however, texted messages may be useful, such as reminding a child to complete a household chore, or sometimes to share deeper thoughts. Texting is a reality that we will encounter in daily life, and much confusion can be averted if you can be somewhat informed.
Knowing the meanings of these coded communications can give enjoyment and humor in the communication, but can also alert the reader to potential problems or threats.
Below is a list of some of the more routine communications that one might see to help the novice know how to respond.

Routine Abbreviations
Single numeric symbols:

@- at
2- to two, too
Ex – I’m going 2 work. Bring 2 CD’s. It’s 2 hot out. May be used as part of another word also- 2nite, 2day
4- for, four, or as a portion of a word as b4.
Ex- Wait 4 me. Let’s meet @ 4:15, or as part of another word- forever.
8- ate.
9- parent is watching. One of the ‘Red Flags mentioned previously

Combination letters or letters and numbers:
10Q- thank you
2g2bt-too good to be true
?4U-question for youa
A3- anytime, anywhere, any place
Abt- about
Adbb-All done
Afc- away from computer
Asap- As soon as possible
B- be or bee
B4- before
B4n- Bye for ow
b/c or bc or bcoz- because
bf/gf- boyfriend/girlfriend
bff- best friends forever
bif- before I forget
brb- be right back
brt-be right there
btdt-been there done that
btw- by the way
c- see
cm- call me
csl- can’t stop laughing
cul/cul8r- see you later
cya- see ya
dk-don’t know
dm- direct message (also pm- private message) Can be used on social media, to indicate private communication, rather than in the public platform.  DM and PM can be used as a noun (I sent you a PM) or as a verb-(I’ll DM you when class is over)
Dnbl8- don’t be late
FF- friends forever
Fofl- falling on the floor laughing
G2g/gtg- got to go (may be accompanied by ttyl- talk to you later)
g4i- go for it
Gab- getting a beer
Gas-gotta second?

Gratz- congratulations
Gtg and gtgb- got to go and got to go, bye
Hagd- have a great day
H&k-hugs and kisses
Idk-I don’t know, in a stand alone statement or with more explanation (idk why he went there)
Ikr- I know, right?
ILY- I love you
IM- Instant message, used the same as PM or DM
Ima/Imma/I’ma- I’m going to
Imo/imho- in my opinion/ in my humble opinion
J2lyk/j2luk- Just to let you know
Jk or j/k- Just kidding
K or OK- Okay
Kiss- keep it simple, stupid
L8r- later
Lmao- Laughing my a** off.
LOL/ lol- Laughing out loud, with caps implying more intensity
MF- What you would expect it means
Msg- message
Mtf- more to follow
n- in or slang for and
n1- nice one
np/no prob- no problem
OIC-Oh, I see
Orly? Oh really?
OMG-Oh my gosh/ Oh my God
Peeps- people
Pita- Pain in the a**
Pls/plz- please
r- are
ROTFL- Rolling of the floor laughing (FOTFL may also be used-falling on the foor laughing)
Sec- wait second
Sok- it’s OK
Soz or sry- Sorry
Sup- what’s up?
Syl- See you later
T@yl-Talk at you later
Ta- Thanks again
TC- Take care
Thx- thanks
TMI- Too much information
Tom/2mrow- tomorrow
TOY- Thinking of you
Ttfn- Ta-ta for now
Ttyl- Talk to you later
Ttyt- Talk to you tomorrow
U- you
U8- You ate?
Ur- Your/ you’re
W8- wait
W/ -With
W/O- Without
WTH- What the H***
WTF- What the F***
WRU- Where are you?
Xoxo- Hugs and kisses


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