Numbers in Human Body.....

DID YOU KNOW ....Numbers in Human Body.
¤ Number of bones – 206.
¤ Number of ribs – 24.
¤ Number of bones in skull – 22.
¤ Number of bones in face – 14.
¤ Number of bones in neck – 7 .
¤ Number of bones in Vertebral column – 33.

¤ Number of bones in hand – 30 .
¤ Respiratory rate – 16-20 times / minute .
¤ Number of heart beat –70-72 times/minute.
¤ Number of pulse- 70-72 times / minute .
¤ Blood pressure – 120/80 mm of Hg.
¤ Number of Cranial nerves – 12 pairs .
¤ Number of spinal nerves – 31 pairs .

¤ Life span of R.B.C – 120days .
¤ Life span of W.BC – 10-15 Days .
¤ Life span of platelets – 5-9 days.
¤ Amount of blood – 5-6 Liter.


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