NOUNS & NUMBER..........................


 Some nouns that is always used in their plural forms
A) Article of dress(trappings, pants, trousers, goggles)
B) Tools and instruments (arms scissors .pincers, fetters, tongs, shears)
C) parts of the body (bowels, entrails, intestines)

 Note:- A pair OF
We can use pair of to refer to one example of these nouns:
I bought a new pair of binoculars last week.
That old pair of trousers will be useful for doing jobs in the garden.

Pairs of
We use pairs of to refer to more than one example of this type of noun:
They’re advertising two pairs of glasses for the price of one.
I bought three pairs of shorts for the summer.

Other nouns which are always plural in form
belongings, outskirts, clothes, premises (buildings), congratulations, savings (money), earnings, stairs, goods, surroundings, likes/dislikes, thanks
These are also plural
people, cattle, police,Vermin, electorate, riches, nobility, poultry, gentry, peasentry,alms,

Singular nouns
A) names of certain diseases thats shows many marks (mumps, measeles, staggers
B)names of certain games thats plays in group (biliarads, chess , darts
C) Name of subjects( mathematics, physics, etc)
D)qualities(bravery, hardness humor)
E) Name of metal(iron, gold,etc.)

/the,such,his+sub+plural verbs

F)luggage, baggage, breakage, furniture, drapery, imagery, scenery, poetry, pottery, machinery, work, paper, wood, stone, brick, glass, dust, rubbish, dirt, electricity, traffic, news, information, advice, chalk, food, bread, grass.

 Note:-These nouns are uncountable, so we add neither a/an befor them nor s/es with them. Still we can form them singular by adding ...a piece of/a loaf of/a bit of/a heap of
And plural using pieces of/bits of/loves of/heaps of.
 A loaf of bread
 A loves of bread

Some nouns that have same form in both of the numbers
A) sea fishes(salmon,turbot,pike,plaice)
C) compound noun - Sons in law,Girl frnds
D) men servants
Women servants
E) woman lovers,Man haters
F) singular noun+preposition+same singular noun 
raw upon raw,girl after girl
G) five/six rupees
Five rupee note,Two five rupee notes
H) either/neither/none/any/a number/the numbert/all sorts,kinds,types/one+of the+ plural noun
I) most/all/plenty/half/a lot/lots/a great deal/some+of the+sing uncountable noun/countable plural noun
J) introductory it/there
K)a certain/every/each/another+ singular noun
L) certain/other+ plural noun
M) knowledge is uncountable, but
A knowledge+of+the+
N) time=occasion is plural bt in general meaning it is singular
O) much+ uncountable
     Many+ plural
P) subjects are singular but


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