Few facts about our India..............

❄The Sanskrit name for India is – Bharat
❄India is derived from River Indus (Sindhu) where Aryans Settled.
❄ Aryabhatta invented Zero
❄Oldest University in the world was Takshila( 700 BC)- 10,500 students from all over world learnt 60 subjects
❄ Nalanda University still exists(4th Century)
❄Ayurveda earliest known school of medicine. Its father Charaka, consolidated Ayurveda 2500years ago.
❄Art of Navigation and Navigating was first born in river Sindhu. The word Navigation is derived from Sanskrit word Navagatih.
❄In 5th Century Bhaskracharya rightly calculated the time taken by the earth to complete orbit – 365.258756484.


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