brief description of posts under SSC Graduate level Exam, 2016...............

1. Assistant in CSS:- This is one of the most prestigious jobs of India. There is no transfer in this job. the promotion goes to the under secretary.
2. Inspector (Examiner): It is also a very charming post. The newly inspector of Examiner is posted at the different ports basically in Inland container depot in the country. The work of this officer is to examine documents, quantity and description of different imported goods.It is also one of the most sought after posts and hence merit for this post crosses 500 marks. Promotion: To the post of (Assist. Commissioner)
3. Inspector (Preventive Officer): The work of newly preventive officer is to supervise against smuggling goods having gone with officers/ constables of Indian Navy at different places around the coastal areas.
4. Inspector of income Tax:- The works of these officers are different according to their posting like; to investigate Tax Evaders, to go on raids etc. The Promotion goes to deputy director if the candidate is selected at a very young age.
5. Inspector of Posts: These officers are posted in different post offices of the country. The work of these officers is to check and sign important papers. The Promotion of these officers goes upto the Deputy / Joint Commissioner.
6. Divisional Accountant: The work of this officer is to keep or check financial accounts in the particular offices. The final promotion goes to the Gazzeted officers.
7. Inspector of Central Bureau of Narcotics: This police officer  investigates the illegal trade in drugs in different parts of the Country.
8. Assistant Enforcement officer: The work of this officer is to check money laundering. All Hawala Cases come under this department.
9. Auditors ( in offices under C & AG, CGDA, CGA and others.): The main work of this employee is to examine of business and financial records to see that they are true and correct in the favor of the country. The Promotion of this employee goes ahead of the section officer.
10. Accountant (junior/ senior):- The selected candidates are posted as Junior or Senior Accountant according to state wise preference somewhere in the country. The nature of the job is to pass the Bill after verification of required documents.
11. Tax Assistant: The work of this employee is the same as that of clerk in different offices of Income Tax Depts.


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