little more GENERAL KNOWLEDGE..................

  • Name of Ganga River in Bangladesh is PADMA.
  • President give resignation latter to Vice President.
  • Ram tanu pandey is real name of Tansen.
  • Hampi Caves are in Orissa.
  • Transistor invented in 1948.
  • Decibel is the Unit of Sound.
  • Gandhi ji birth on 2 october 1869 at porbandher in Gujarat.
  • "Karo ya maro” slogan given by Gandhi ji.
  • Delhi became capital of India in 1912 shifted from Kolkata.
  • Extremely cold places are best for tea farming.
  • Currency of Japan is Yen.
  • Bihu Festival celebrated in Assam.
  • Arjun Award first given in 1961.
  • NATO head office in BRUSSELS.
  • Butterfly word used in Swimming.
  • 1 horse power equals to 746 watt.
  • Moti masjid built by Shahjahan.
  • National Library is in Kolkata.
  • Mahatma Buddha is known as light of Asia.
  • Bandipur national park is in Karnataka state of India.
  • Bhakra Nangal dam is built on Satluj river.
  • SAARC group head office in Kathmandu (Nepal).
  • Microphone invented by Graham Bell.
  • Sardar Sarovar Project is on Narmada river in Gujarat.
  • Rajasthan according to Area is the largest state in India


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