Internet changers ....................

peoples who changed internet forever.............................
1• Sir Tim Berners Lee – World Wide Web.
2• Vint Cerf And Bob Kahn – TCP/IP.
3• Larry Page and Sergey Brin – Google Inc.
4• David Filo and Jerry Yang – Yahoo! Inc.
5• Bill Gates – Microsoft.
6• Steven Paul Jobs – Apple Inc.
7• Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook
8• Chad Hurley and SteveChen – YouTube
9• Linus Torvalds – Linux.
10• Jack Dorsey – Twitter.
11• Kevin Rose – Digg

12• Bram Cohen – BitTorrent.
13• Mike Morhaime –Blizzard Entertainment.
14• Jimmy Wales –Wikipedia .
15• Jeff Preston Bezos –Amazon.
16• Shawn Fanning –Napster, Rupture.
17• Pierre Omidyar – eBay.
18• Jack Ma – Alibaba .
19• Craig Newmark –Craigslist.
20• Matt Mullenweg –WordPress.
21• Thomas Anderson –MySpace .
22• Garrett Camp – Stumble Upon.
23• Jon Postel – InternetPioneer
24• Caterina Fake – Flickr.
25• Marc Andreessen – Netscape


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