
Showing posts from April, 2015

Current Affairs..............30 April 2015 .......................

1) What is the name given to an ambitious road project proposed by the Union Govt. from Gujarat to Mizoram to be built along India’s vast West-to-East land border? – “Bharat Mala” Explanation : According to the information disclosed by Union Roads Secretary Vijay Chhibber, “Bharat Mala” project will be a road built along India’s vast west-toeast land border, from Gujarat to Mizoram, at a cost of around Rs 14,000 crore. The government hopes to finish the project in five years. The project will start from Gujarat and Rajasthan, move to Punjab and then cover the entire string of Himalayan states – Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand – and then portions of borders of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar alongside Terai, and move to Sikkim, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, and right up to the Indo-Myanmar border in Manipur and Mizoram. The Bharat Mala project has a strong strategic component. It’s India’s attempted answer to improve reach and connectivity in border areas, right across a larg


1. विश्व का सबसे बड़ा महाकाव्य कौन सा है? उत्तर :- महाभारt 3. विश्व का सबसे पुराना समाचार पत्र कौन सा है? उत्तर :- स्वीडन आफिशियल जनरल (1645 में प्रकाशित) 4. विश्व में किस देश के राष्टपति का कार्यकाल एक साल का होता है? उत्तर :- स्विट्जरलैंड 5. विश्व में ऐसा कौन सा देश है जहाँ के डाक टिकट पर उस देश का नाम नहीं होता? उत्तर :- ग्रेट ब्रिटेन 6. विश्व की सबसे बड़ी मस्जिद कौन सी है? उत्तर :- अलमल्विया (इराक) 7. विश्व में भारत के अलावा 15 अगस्त को ही स्वतन्त्रता दिवस और किस देश में मनाया जाता है? उत्तर :- कोरिया में 8. विश्व का सबसे बड़ा महासागर कौन सा है? उत्तर :- प्रशांत महासागर 9. विश्व में सबसे बड़ी झील कौन सी है? उत्तर :- केस्पो यनसी (रूस में) 10. विश्व में कुल कितने देश हैं? उत्तर :- 353 11. विश्व की सबसे बड़ी दीवार कौन सी है? उत्तर :- ग्रेट वाल ऑफ़ चायना (चीन की दीवार) 12. विश्व में सबसे कठोर कानून वाला देश कौन सा है? उत्तर :- सउदी अरब 13. विश्व का ऐसा कौन सा देश है जो आज तक किसी का गुलाम नहीं हुआ? उत्तर :- नेपाल 14. विश्व में सबसे अधिक वेतन किसे मिलता है

2015 special....................Heads of Important Offices (World)

● Ban Ki-moon : Secretary-General, United Nations Organisation. ● Jan Eliasson : Deputy Secretary-General, UN. ● Dr. Jim Yong Kim : President, World Bank. ● Christine Lagarde : Managing Director, International Monetary Fund (IMF). ● Ms. Irina Bokova : Director-General-UNESCO. ● Dr. Margaret Chan : Director-General, WHO. ● Jose Graziano da Silva : Director-General, Food and Agricultural Organisation. ● Guy Ryder : Director-General, International Labour Organisation. ● Anthony Lake : Executive Director, United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF). ● Antonio Guterres : Head, UN High Commissioner for Refugees. ● Ms. Helen Clark : Administrator, United Nations Development Programme. ● Mr. Mukhisa Kituyi : Secretary-General, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). ● Jose Angel Gurria : Secretary-General, Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). ● Ronny Abraham : President, International Court of Jus


Distributive property for multiplication over addition:  The product of a number ‘a’ with the sum of two numbers (b &c ) is equal to                         the sum of the products ab and ac.          a x (b + c ) = a x b + a x c          e.g. 2 x (3 + 4) = 2 x 3 + 2 x 4 = 14 Rules of Signs: * To add two numbers with similar signs, add their absolute values and prefix the common sign.    Thus: 2 + 5 = 7,      (- 4) + (- 5) = -9 * To add two numbers with opposite signs, find the difference between their absolute values and    prefix the sign of the number with greater absolute value.    Thus: 18 + (-7) = 11,         (-6) + 3 = -3,         (-18) + 12 = -6 * To subtract one number ‘x’ from another number ‘y’, change the operation to addition and    replace ‘y’ by its opposite, - y.     Thus, 11 – (7) = 11 + (-7) = 4,             (-9) – (5) = - 9 + (-5) = - 14             2 – (-9) 2 + 9 = 11 * To multiply (or divide) two numbers having similar signs, m

Countries and Their National Emblems.................

India ? Ashoka Chakra Sri Lanka ? Lion Syria ? Eagle U.K ? Rose Bangladesh ? Water Lily Belgium ? Lion Israel ? Candelabrum Ivory Coast ? Elephant Lebanon ? Cedar Tree Mongolia ? The Soyombo Cross, Kiwi,Fern. Chile ? Candor & Huemul Dominica ? Sisserou Parrot Germany ? CornFlower France ? Lily Guyana ? Canje Pheasant Ireland ? Shamrock Italy ? White Lily Japan ? Chrysanthemum Luxembourg ? Lion with Crown Netherlands ? Lion Norway ? Lion Papua New. Guinea ? Bird of paradise Senegal ? Bhobab Tree Hong Kong ? Bauhinia(Orchid Tree) Iran ? Rose Pakistan ? Crescent

GK – Indian States and Union Territories ......................

GK – Indian States and Union Territories 2. 1. Which one of the following states does not form part  of the Narmada basin? a) Rajasthan b) M P c) Gujarat d) Maharashtra 2. On which river is the Srisailam hydroelectric project built? a) Tungabhadra b) Sharavati c) Krishna d) Cauvery 3. Chilka Lake is in  a) Orissa b) Andhra P’ c) T’ Nadu d) West Bengal 4. Which of the following Indian states does not lie on  the Indo-Nepal border? a) Bihar b) Himachal Pradesh c) Sikkim d) Uttar Pradesh 5. The largest producer of salt in India is a) Gujarat b) Rajasthan c) Kerala d) Madhya Pradesh Answers: 1. Rajasthan 2. Krishna 3. Orissa 4. HP 5. Gujarat 6. Which is the most widely consumed cereal in India? a) Barley b) Sorghum c) Wheat d) Rice 7. Which cash crop is grown in the largest area in India? a) cotton b) jute c) tobacco d) sann hemp 8. Which Indian state is known for its sandal wood? a) Karnataka b) Tamil Nadu c) Kerala d) Andhra Pradesh 9. Which on

Operation Maitri.........................

The Indian Army has named the aid to Nepal ‘Operation Maitri’ or friendship, a day after it started extending help to the neighbouring country that was hit by a massive earthquake just before noon on Saturday, leaving a trail of death and destruction. In addition to the specialist teams of its National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), India has already moved large amounts of relief material to the Himalayan kingdom, besides its Air Force moving essential supplies to Nepal and flying back over 500 of its stranded citizens from its capital Kathmandu since late Saturday. “India is moving in massive amount of rescue and relief material, equipment and specialists the second day (Sunday),” said Sitanshu Kar, the spokesperson for the defence ministry. “Ten flights are planned for Kathmandu today (Sunday). These would be airlifting army’s forward hospitals, engineering task forces, water, food, National Disaster Response Force teams, medical personnel and equipment, blankets and tents.”


A calamity has befallen on Nepal, & our Hindu brother needs all our help that we can provide. So Umbrella Hindu organization (which has numerous big organization under it) is arranging for relief team to be sent to Nepal. Any medical personal or volunteer who wants to join in, please contact at below mentioned address: Hindu Emergency AID & RELIEF TEAM, Bharat Mata Bhavan, Sankat Mochan Ashram, Sector - 6, R K Puram, New Delhi. Contact Person: (Shri.) Dr. Shilpi Tiwari., (we are taking care of all logistics & other things for medical personal joining the relief team) In case u want to donate to donate, then use below details: Vijaya Bank, R K Puram Branch, L-92/3, Munirka, New Delhi - 110067, S/B Account No: 601101011001118


1) इन्दिरा गाँधी अं॰ हवाई अड्डा → नई दिल्ली 2) छत्रपति शिवाजी अं॰ हवाई अड्डा → मुम्बई 3) नेताजी सु॰ बोस अं॰ हवाई अड्डा → कोलकाता 4) अन्ना अं॰ हवाई अड्डा → चेन्नई 5) बाबा साहेब अम्बेदकर अं॰ हवाई अड्डा → नागपुर 6) स॰ बल्लभभाई पटेल अं॰ हवाई अड्डा → अहमदाबाद 7) गोपीनाथ बारडोली अं॰ हवाई अड्डा → गुवाहटी 8) चौधरी चरण सिंह अं॰ हवाई अड्डा → लखनऊ 9) श्री गुरु रामदास जी अं॰ हवाई अड्डा → अम्रतसर 10) त्रिवेन्द्रम अं॰ हवाई अड्डा → तिरुअनन्तपुरम 11) कालीकट अं॰ हवाई अड्डा → कोझीकोड 12) शेख अलआलम अं॰ हवाई अड्डा → श्रीनगर 13) राजीव गाँधी अं॰ हवाई अड्डा → हैदराबाद 14) कोचीन अं॰ हवाई अड्डा → कोच्चि 15) वीर सावरकर अं॰ हवाई अड्डा → पोर्ट ब्लेया 16) दाबोलिम अं॰ हवाई अड्डा → गोवा 17) देवी अहिल्याबाई होल्कर अं॰ हवाई अड्डा → इंदौर 18) लाल बहादुर शास्त्री अं॰ हवाई अड्डा → वाराणसी 19) मंगलुरु अं॰ हवाई अड्डा → मंगलुरु 20) जयपुर अं॰ हवाई अड्डा → जयपुर

विश्व का सबसे पहला, सबसे बड़ा, सबसे ऊँचा....................

विश्व का सबसे पहला, सबसे बड़ा, सबसे ऊँचा **************************************************** * सबसे बड़ा ज्वालामुखी -- तृभूमि (हवाई) * सबसे बड़ा रेडियो दूरबीन -- न्यू मैक्सिको (अमेरिका) * विश्व में सबसे अमीर देश (सकल राष्ट्रीय उत्पाद प्रति निवासी संदर्भ में) -- स्विट्जरलैंड (21,330 प्रति व्यक्ति अमरीकी डालर) * सबसे लंबी सुरंग -- (नॉर्वे) सुरंग (24.5 किमी) * विश्व में सबसे ऊँची जगह पर स्थित वेधशाला -- भारतीय खगोलीय वेधशाला, , लद्दाख में स्थित * विश्व का सबसे बड़ा दीवार -- चीन की महान दीवार * विश्व है उच्चतम झरना -- वेनेजुएला (एन्जिल ) (979 मीटर) में * सबसे न्चले स्तर पर स्थित जलराशि -- मृत सागर (समुद्री स्तर के नीचे 1300 फीट के आसपास) * विश्व में सबसे बड़ा चिड़ियाघर - राष्ट्रीय पार्क, दक्षिण अफ्रीका * डाक टिकट, विश्व का पहला -- काला पैसा (ब्रिटिश) * पूर्व में बिल्डिंग -- टोक्यो में "60 सनशाइन" * नदी, सबसे लम्बा -- नील नदी (6648 कि.मी.) * विश्व के सबसे ठंडे क्षेत्र -- वेर्खोयांस्क (साइबेरिया)

Internet changers ....................

peoples who changed internet forever............................. 1• Sir Tim Berners Lee – World Wide Web. 2• Vint Cerf And Bob Kahn – TCP/IP. 3• Larry Page and Sergey Brin – Google Inc. 4• David Filo and Jerry Yang – Yahoo! Inc. 5• Bill Gates – Microsoft. 6• Steven Paul Jobs – Apple Inc. 7• Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook 8• Chad Hurley and SteveChen – YouTube 9• Linus Torvalds – Linux. 10• Jack Dorsey – Twitter. 11• Kevin Rose – Digg 12• Bram Cohen – BitTorrent. 13• Mike Morhaime –Blizzard Entertainment. 14• Jimmy Wales –Wikipedia . 15• Jeff Preston Bezos –Amazon. 16• Shawn Fanning –Napster, Rupture. 17• Pierre Omidyar – eBay. 18• Jack Ma – Alibaba . 19• Craig Newmark –Craigslist. 20• Matt Mullenweg –WordPress. 21• Thomas Anderson –MySpace . 22• Garrett Camp – Stumble Upon. 23• Jon Postel – InternetPioneer 24• Caterina Fake – Flickr. 25• Marc Andreessen – Netscape

Internet Related questions......................

1. भारत में इंटरनेट सेवा प्रारंभ करने वाली निजी क्षेत्र की पहली कम्पनी कौन-सी है? उत्तर :- सत्यम इंफो वे 2. Email के जन्मदाता कौन हैं? उत्तर :- रे .टॉमलिंसन 3. फ्री ई-मेल सेवा हाटमेल ( Hot mail ) के जन्मदाता कौन हैं? उत्तर :- सबीर भाटिया 4. बर्ल्ड वाइड बेव ( www ) के आविष्कारक कौन हैं? उत्तर :- टिम वर्नर्स-ली 5. इंटरनेट का पहला सफल सॉफ्टवेयर कौन-सा है? उत्तर :- मोजेक (MOSAIC) 6. देश का प्रथम साइबर अपराध पुलिस स्टेशन कहाँ है? उत्तर :- कटक ( ओडिशा ) 7. http का full form क्या है? उत्तर :- Hyper Text Transfer protocol 8. भारत की पहली ऐसी पार्टी कौन-सी है, जिसने इंटरनेट पर अपनी वेबसाइट बनाई। उत्तर :- भारतीय जनता पार्टी (BJP) 9. वह भारतीय राज्य जिसने पहली बार इंटरनेट पर राज्य की टेलीफोन डाइरेक्टरी उपलब्ध कराई? उत्तर :- सिकिकम 10. गूगल, याहू, एमएसएन व रैडिफ क्या है? उत्तर :- इंटरनेट सर्च इंजन 11. विश्व का सबसे बड़ा कम्प्यूटर नेटवर्क का नाम क्या हैं? उत्तर :- इंटरनेट 12. इंटरनेट में प्रयुक्त www का पूरा रूप क्या है? उत्तर :- World Wide Web 13. किस प्रणाली में इंट

23 April 2015 Current Affairs.........

1) The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) recently gave its in-principle approval for creation of three new tiger reserves in the country. This was announced by the Union Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar in Lok Sabha on 21 April 2015. These 3 new tiger reserves will be established at which places? – Ratapani (Madhya Pradesh), Sunabeda (Odisha) and Guru Ghasidas (Chhattisgarh) Explanation: The decision to establish three new tiger reserves came after the tiger census in January 2015 showed an overall rise in numbers. Apart from this, the NTCA also accorded final approval to a proposal to declare Kudremukh National Park in Karnataka and Rajaji National Park in Uttarakhand as tiger reserves. Seeking to provide more protected spaces for the endangered species, State governments have been asked to send conservation proposals for the following areas: Suhelwa in Uttar Pradesh, Mhadei in Goa, Srivilliputtur Grizzled Squirrel Wildlife Sanctuary/ Meghamalai Wildlife San

GOVERNORS OF RBI..........................

******************** RBI (रिजर्व बैंक ऑफ इंडिया) ********************* रिजर्व बैंक ऑफ इंडिया (आरबीआई) बैंक में अबतक 22 गवर्नर बन चुके हैं। आइए जानते हैं कि राजन से पहले किस-किस ने और कब आरबीआई की कमान संभाली थी- 1. सर ऑस्बॉर्न – 1 अप्रैल 1935 से 30 जून 1937 2. सर जेम्स बैर्ड टेलर – 1 जुलाई 1937 से 17 फरवरी 1943 3. सर सीडी देशमुख – 11 अगस्त 1943 से 30 जून 1949 4. सर बेनेगल रामा राव – 1 जुलाई 1949 से 14 जनवरी 1957 5. केजी अंबेगांवकर – 14 जनवरी 1957 से 28 जनवरी 1957 6. एचवीआर इंगर – 1 मार्च 1957 से 28 फरवरी 1962 7. पीसी भट्टाचार्य – 1 मार्च 1962 से 30 जून 1967 8. एलके झा – 1 जुलाई 1967 से 3 मई 1970 9. बीएन अधारकर – 4 मई 1970 से 15 जून 1970 10. एस जगन्नाथन – 16 जून 1970 से 19 मई 1975 11. एनसी सेन गुप्ता – 19 मई 1975 से 19 अगस्त 1975 12. केआर पुरी – 20 अगस्त 1975 से 2 मई 1977 13. एम नरसिम्हा – 3 मई 1977 से 30 नवंबर 1977 14. डॉ. आईजी पटेल – 1 दिसंबर 1977 से 15 सितंबर 1982 15. डॉ. मनमोहन सिंह – 16 सितंबर 1982 से 14 जनवरी 1985 16. ए घोष – 15 जनवरी 1985 स

Headquarters of International Organizations..........

International Organizations ------------ Headquarters • UNO (United Nations Org) -- New York • UNICEF --New York  • WHO (World Health Org) --Geneva • ILO (International Labour Org) --Geneva • WTO (World Meteorological Org) --Geneva • World Intellectual Property Org --Geneva • International Standards Org. --Geneva • IMF (International Monetary Fund) --Washington DC • World Bank --Washington DC • UNESCO --Paris • OECD --Paris • UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Dev. Org) --Vienna • IAEA --Vienna • OPEC --Vienna • Amnesty International --London • Commonwealth of Nations --London • IMO --London • ICJ (International Court of Justice) --The Hague • FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization) --Rome • NATO --Brussels • Transparency International --Berlin • SAARC --Kathmandu • ASEAN --Jakarta • APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Forum) --Singapore • Organization of Islamic Cooperation --Jedd

India's First.............

• Governor-General of Independent India—Lord Lewis Mountbatten • Indian Governor-General of Independent India—Chakravarti Rajgopalachari • Indian Commander-in-Chief of Free India —General Kodandera Madappa Cariappa, 1949 • Field Marshall—General S. H. F. J. Manekshaw • Speaker of loksabha—Shri G.V. Mavalankar (15 May 1952- 27 February 1956). • President—Dr. Rajendra Prasad • Vice-President—Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan • Prime-Minister—Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru • Home Minister—Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel • Finance Minister of India—R. K. Shanmukham Chetty • Auditor General of India—V. Narahari Rao • Director of CBI— DP Kohli • National Security Adviser— Brijesh Mishra • Governor of RBI— Sir Osborne Smith • Non-Congress Prime-Minister— Morarji Desai from Janata Party in 1977-79. • British Governor-General of Bengal—Warren-Hastings • Space traveller—S. Leader-Rakesh Sharma • C. S.—Satendra Nath Tagore • Woman IAS—Anna Ranjan George, 1950 • Sportsperson

Scientific Units.....................................................

Scientific Units: Physics  • Ampere – Electric Current • Angstrom – Wavelength of light • Bar – Atmospheric Pressure • Becquerel – Activity of a radionuclide • Coulomb – Electric charge • Dioptre – Power of a lens • Decibel – Intensity of sound • Dalton – Atomic mass • Darcy – Permeability • Force – Newton • Farad – Electric capacitance • Fathom – Depth of sea • Henry – Inductance • Hertz – Frequency of sound • Joule – Work or Energy • Knot – Speed of ship • Kilowatt – Electric power • Kelvin – Thermodynamic Temperature • Lax – Illuminance • Maxwell – Magnetic flux • Ohm – Electric resistance • Volt – Electric potential • Watt – Power • Siemens – Electric Conductance

Airlines India Recruitment 2015.............

Airlines India Recruitment 2014 No of posts : 8500+ Note : Company still need 7000 Resumes last date is coming up guarentee job for the appliers with special training More Details & Apply Online Here : Salary: Rs. 60,000/- Per Month Eligibility Criteria: 12th / Diploma / Graduate in any Subject & Age Between 18 To 30 Years Share It With Everyone..

Because Your Wife DOES NOT WORK...............

Because Your Wife DOES NOT WORK.... The following are Questions and Answers between Husband (H) and a Psychologist (P)....... P : What do you do for a living Mr. Sinha? H : I work as an Accountant in a Bank. P : Your Wife ? H : She doesn't work. She's a Housewife only. P : Who makes breakfast for your family in the morning? H : My Wife, because she doesn't work. P : At what time does your wife wake up for making breakfast? H : She wakes up at around 5 am because she cleans the house first before making breakfast. P : How do your kids go to school? H : My wife takes them to school, because she doesn't work. P : After taking your kids to school, what does she do? H : She goes to the market, then goes back home for cooking and laundry. You know, she doesn't work. P : In the evening, after you go back home from office, what do you do? H : Take rest, because i'm tired due to all day works. P : What does your wife do then? H :

SBI..Probationary Officers ......2000 VACANCY.........

State Bank of India (SBI) invited application for recruitment to 2000 posts of Probationary Officers. The candidates eligible for the post can apply through prescribed format before 02 May 2015. Important Date Opening Date for Registration: 13 April 2015 Closing Date for Registration: 02 May 2015 Date of Preliminary Examination: Tentatively in June 2015 Details of Post Name of Post: Probationary Officers Number of Post: 2000 (SC: 308; ST: 339; OBC: 541; Gen: 812) Eligibility Criteria Educational Qualification Candidate must be a graduate in any discipline. Those who are in the Final year/Semester of their Graduation may also apply provisionally subject to the condition that, if called for interview, they will have to produce proof of having passed the graduation examination on or before 01 September 2015. Candidates having integrated dual degree (IDD) certificate should ensure that the date of passing the IDD is on or before 01 September 2015. Age Limit 21-30 years as on

little more GENERAL KNOWLEDGE..................

Name of Ganga River in Bangladesh is PADMA. President give resignation latter to Vice President. Ram tanu pandey is real name of Tansen. Hampi Caves are in Orissa. Transistor invented in 1948. Decibel is the Unit of Sound. Gandhi ji birth on 2 october 1869 at porbandher in Gujarat. "Karo ya maro” slogan given by Gandhi ji. Delhi became capital of India in 1912 shifted from Kolkata. Extremely cold places are best for tea farming. Currency of Japan is Yen. Bihu Festival celebrated in Assam. Arjun Award first given in 1961. NATO head office in BRUSSELS. Butterfly word used in Swimming. 1 horse power equals to 746 watt. Moti masjid built by Shahjahan. National Library is in Kolkata. Mahatma Buddha is known as light of Asia. Bandipur national park is in Karnataka state of India. Bhakra Nangal dam is built on Satluj river. SAARC group head office in Kathmandu (Nepal). Microphone invented by Graham Bell. Sardar Sarovar Project is on Narmada river in Gujarat. Raj


1. Carbohydrates : Sugar, honey, starch, potatoes, rice, wheat, etc., are carbohydrates. They are compounds of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sugar, starch, etc. They provide about half of the required energy and thus maintain the temperature of the body. Energy is produced by the burning of sugar. 2. Proteins : Eggs, beans, pulses, fish, etc., are proteins. These are compounds having an excess of nitrogen with carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and sometimes sulphur and phosphorus. They are mainly responsible for growth. Eggs, meat, pulses, etc., are the richest source of proteins. Their absence causes •extreme weakness. 3. Fats and Oils: Oils, nuts, ghee, butter, etc. They contain same components as carbohydrates and are better sources of energy which is again produced by burning. Their deficiency in the body causes several diseases while excess is stored beneath the skin. 4. Vitamins : Every food almost contains some vitamins. They are organic substances which are essential for the growth

Something About Galaxies..................

1. The word galaxy comes from the Greek word for "milky". 2. Some scientists think that most of the mass of a galaxy is made up of a mysterious substance called dark matter. 3. It is thought that there is a massive black hole inthe center of galaxies. 4. The closest galaxy to the Milky Way is Andromeda, which is around 2.6 million light years away from us. 5. Many galaxies are more than 100,000 light years across in distance. 6. It takes over two hundred million years for the sun to orbit the center of the galaxy. This is called a galactic year. 7. A galaxy is a massive group of stars, star clusters, interstellar gas and dust, and dark matter which is all gravitationally bound together. 8. There are four galaxies that can be seen from Earth with the naked eye: the Milky Way, the Andromeda Galaxy, and the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds. 9. The idea of a galaxy was first realized by Thomas Wright in 1917. 10. The most common type of galaxie


1. There are about 100 billion neurons in a human brain, which is about the same as the number of stars in the Milky Way galaxy. 2. The average weight of a human brain is about three pounds. 3. Your brain uses 20 per cent of your total oxygen intake. 4. Aristotle, in the fourth century BC, believed that our thought centres were in the heart and the brain’s main function was only to cool the heart. 5. Alcmaeon of Croton in the 6th century BC was probably the first to claim that we think with our brains. Evidently Aristotle was not convinced. 6. The pathologist who performed Einstein’s post mortem took his brain and kept it in a jar for 20 years. 7. About 60 per cent of your brain is fat, so we are all 60 per cent fat-heads. 8. When mummifying people, ancient Egyptians would pull the brain out through the nose. 9. The electricity produced by your brain could power a 25 watt lightbulb. 10. The word ‘brain’ (or ‘brains’) does not occur at all in the K

facts about CHOCOLATE.........................

. 1. Ruth Wakefield invented the first chocolate chip cookie in 1937. 2. You will be amazed to know that Switzerland is the country whose people eat the most chocolate, with 22 pounds eaten per person each year followed by Australia and Ireland with 20 pounds and 19 pounds per person respectively. 3. Dark chocolate help the cardiovascular system by reducing blood pressure as it contains lots of antioxidants. 4. If you are suffering from migraines or chronic headaches keep chocolate away, as it can cause headaches and is not recommended in large doses for people. 5. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in children is mainly caused due to chocolate as it contains high doses of caffeine and sugar. 6. Do you know that Ivory Coast produces more cocoa than any other country, second comes Ghana and next comes Indonesia. 7. Chocolate bar was invented by J.S.Fry’s in 1847. 8. Chocolate was originally a cold drink made from crushed beans, among the Aztecs and Mayans. 9. I