Oriflame Success Plan.
Oriflame gives you  various BONUSES, which you can't be provided in any other  business . can you imagine, how much you will get in Oriflame.

1. Direct Benefits (20%)
One will get  20% Profit  on their sales from his own customers.

2. Performance Discount (3% -21%), one will get Performance Discount  (PD) from each months sales by his referrals, without Limitation level (unlimited level).
Group Points (BP) = Performance Discount (PD) -> Your
10,000 - up 21% = -> more than 450,000
6600 - 9999 = 18% -> 297,000-449,955
4000 - 6599 = 15% -> 180,000-296,955
2400 - 3999 = 12% -> 1,080,000 - 179,955
1200 - 2399 = 9% -> 54,000-107,955
600 - 1199 = 6% -> 27,000-53,955
200-599 = 3% -> 9,000 to 26,955
* Revenue will be determined, on our total  Group bonus points.

3. Cash Award Rs.75.000.000 - Rs. 75 M
when the consultant reach first time at certain rank, in  Success Plan of 2012.
cash award will be given at that time.
Director will get Rs. 75,000/=
Gold Director will get  Rs. 150,000/=
Gold Senior Director will get  Rs. 225,000/=
Sapphire Director will get  Rs. 300,000/=
Diamond Director will get  Rs. 450,000/=
Senior Director, Diamond will get  Rs. 600,000/=
Double Diamond Director  will get  Rs. 750,000/=
Executive Director will get  Rs. 1,800 000/=
Gold Executive Director will get  Rs. 2,250 000/=
Sapphire Executive Director will get  Rs. 2,700 000/=
Diamond Executive Director will get  Rs. 3,150 000/=
President Director will get  Rs. 7 M.
Senior Director, President will get  Rs. 15 M.
Gold President Director will get  Rs. 22.5 M.
Sapphire President Director will get  Rs. 30 M.
Diamond President Director will get  Rs. 75 M.

Wow, this is true. On World level one  have already Achieve the rank of Director President of Sapphire. A consultant from Russia "Tamilla Polezhaeva" is at the Executive Director of Gold. "Cynthia Venika" is the highest in Indonesia, at a time in Pakistan is at the Sapphire Director named "G.J Rehmani".  If they can do, surely we can also do.

4. Oriflame Bonus (4%)
We can get a bonus of 4% of all sales by our downline, who have reached the position of 21%

5. Gold Bonus (1%)
We can get a bonus of 1% from our referrals, rated 21% in the second generation to the bottom.

6. Sapphire Bonus (0.5%)
We can get a bonus of 0.5% from our referrals, rated 21% in the third generation to the bottom.

7. Diamond Bonus (0.25%)
We can get a bonus of 0.25% from our referrals, rated 21% in the fourth generation to the bottom.

8. Double Diamond Bonus (0.125%)
We can get a bonus equal to 0125% from our referrals, rated 21% in the fifth generation to the bottom.

9. Executive Bonus (0.0625%)
We can get a bonus of 0.25% from our referrals, rated 21% in the sixth generation to the bottom.

10. Car Bonus
We will get the Car Bonuses, when we will reach on the following rank.
Diamond Director will get  New Honda CR-V, worth Rs. 280 million
Executive Director will get Toyota Fortuner , worth Rs. 330 million
Sapphire Executive Director will get Toyota New Camry, worth Rs. 380 million
President Director will get   Mercedes C 240, worth Rs. 650 million
Gold President Director will get  Mercedes C 280, worth Rs. 700 million
Sapphire President Director will get  Mercedes ML 350, worth Rs. 1.2 M

12. FREE Foreign  trips for  (Gold Director and Level Up)
Wow .... You may think these all just a dream. But all the success stories in the world started from one dream. The existence of the aircraft, the engine, the telephone, the internet etc .... All started from a dream to create something According to their desire.
So, if one can imagine and can achieve, we can do also.
Can be Able to get all that is written above.
Come and join me, in the Oriflame Group.
* If will not try, will not know the results, right?


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