** Bangladesh - JatiyoSangsad
** Britain - Parliament (House of Commons is the Lower House and House of lords is the Upper house)
** West Germany - Lower House-Bundesrat ,Upper House-Bundestag
** India - Parliament (Lok Sabha is the Lower house &Rajya Sabha is the Upper House)
** Iran - Majlis
** Israel - Kneeset
** Japan - Diet
** Nepal - Panchayat
** Sweden - Riksdag
** U.S.A. - Congress (Lower House-house of Representatives & Upper house-Senate)
** U.S.S.R. - Supreme Soviet
** China - National Peoples,Congress
** Denmark - Folketing
** Holland - States,General
** Pakistan - Parliament(National Assembly and Senate)
** Australia - Parliament
** Malaysia - Dewan Rakyat(Upper),Dewan Nagara (Lower)
** Mongolia - Khurat
** New Zealand - House of Representatives
** Norway - Storting
** Poland - Sejin
** Romania - Grand National Assembly
** South Africa - House of Assembly
** Spain - Crotes
** Sweden - Riksdag
** Switzerland - Federal Assembly
** Canada - Parliament (Lower House:House of Commons, Upper House:Senate)
** Ireland – Althing


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