SBI PO Prelim 2015 Exam Result declared....................

State Bank of India conducted an exam for the post of probationary officers on 20,21,27,28th June 2015. Around 20 lakh candidates applied and appeared for the SBI PO 2015 Prelim Exam. The minimum education qualification required to apply was a graduate from a recognized university and the age was 21-30 years. SBI PO Prelim 2015 Exam Result is declared. GradeStack Cutoff Prediction was spot on. Here is the SBI PO Prelim 2015 Cutoff................... Gen – 47.5 OBC – 42.25 SC -37.25 ST – 19.75 Only 40-50,000 Students are Selected for SBI PO Main Exam. This year the exam pattern of SBI PO has changed. Now you have the exam have in three stages. 1. SBI PO Prelim Exam(Objective) 2. SBI PO Main Exam(Objective+Descriptive) 3. Personal Interview SBI PO 2015 Prelim exam consisted of Objective type questions (100 marks). Although the marks of SBI Prelim 2015 Exam will not be added along with the SBI PO Main Exam, it is very important to qualify the Preliminary exam to b...