
Showing posts from June, 2015

IBPS RRB Syllabus 2015 (CWE IV) Exam notification out.....................

IBPS CWE RRB IV – Recruitment of Officers Scales I, II & III and Office Assistants. IBPS authority scheduled IBPS RRBs Exam CWE IV in September month. Official Notification of IBPS RRB Exam will be published very soon. All candidates required to start their IBPS RRB exam preparations and check out Upcoming IBPS RRB syllabus with exam pattern. Most of students are confused that What is the syllabus for IBPS RRB Exam? answer is here we provide you latest ibps rrb exam syllabus and RRB Paper Pattern. IBPS RRB Exam Review | Paper pattern IBPS RRB Exam includes 5 Subjects Reasoning , English OR Hindi, General Awareness , Quantitative Aptitude , Computer Awareness etc. All subjects have same number of questions with different marks with a time duration of 2.30 hours. In below table you find paper pattern of IBPS RRB Exam 2015. and “IBPS RRB syllabus”. Office Assistant (Multipurpose) Exam Pattern Sr No. (Objective) Test Name Qns. Marks Duration 1 IBPS RRB Reaso

About last census..........CENSUS-2011...............

                    'CENSUS - 2011'................................ When was the first census in India held? Census operations started in India long back during the period of the Maurya dynasty. It was systematized during the years 1865 to 1872, though it has been conducted uninterruptedly from the year 1881. Being a trustworthy resource of information, Census provides information about Indian Demography, literacy, education, economic activities, urbanization, housing amenities, mortality rate etc. Census 2011 in India Census 2011 was the 7th Census operation post India's Independence and 15th in total since; it began in the year 1981. The 2011 Census was conducted in two segments: • Population enumeration • Housing and house listing Owing to the demand from some of the ruling union leaders like Mulayam Singh Yadav, Sharad Yadav and Lalu Prasad Yadav, Census operations in India in the year 2011 even included detailed information regarding the different p

something about......cooling and hot effects.................

Air Conditioning: Bodily comfort depends on temperature as well as humidity. The comfortable conditions for an average person are ............................................................................... (i) temperature between 23 and 25 °C, and  (ii) relative humidity between 60 and 65 per cent.  An air conditioner provides these conditions by regulating temperature and humidity.The cooling capacity of an A.C. is expressed in tons, e.g. 1 ton 2 ton etc. A 1 ton A.C. transfers 12000 BTU (British thermal unit) of heat from the room in an hour. (1 BTU = 1055 joule). Ton in this case has nothing to do with mass. Refrigerator: In a refrigerator, cooling is produced by the evaporation of a volatile liquid, FREON, inside a copper coil (evaporator), which surrounds the freezer. The vapor is removed and condensed to the liquid form in the condenser coil, fitted at the back of the cabinet, by a compression pump.  The condenser coil becomes warm owing to the convers