
Showing posts from 2016

Simple Interest.......[competitive. exam prep.... topic 36].

'Simple Interest' A quick method of calculating the interest charge on a loan. Simple interest is determined by multiplying the interest rate by the principal by the number of periods. Where: P is the loan amount I is the interest rate N is the duration of the loan, using number of periods. Formulae & Examples Formula for finding out Simple Interest Principal: The money borrowed or lent out for a certain period is called the principal or thesum. Interest: Extra money paid for using other's money is called interest Simple Interest (S.I.): .If the interest on a sum borrowed for certain period is reckoned uniformly, then it is called simple interest. Let Principal = P, Rate = R% per annum (p.a.) and Time = T years. Then . Simple Intereest = ((P*R*T)/100) .P = ((100*S.I)/R*T); R = ((100*S.I)/(P*T)) and T = ((100*S.I)/(P*R)      4.Calculate Total Amount Accrued (Principal + Interest) A = P(1 + rt)       5. Calculate Principal Amou

Chain rule...........[competitive. exam prep.... topic 35].

Chain rule is also the one of the important topics asked in many interviews, IBPS, PO, bank exam and in many competitive exams. Candidates should understand the concepts before solving the problems. Chain rule is considered as an important topic in all recruitment exams. Perfect time keeping and practicing the aptitude will lead you to success. Chain Rule Formula and Terms Direct Proportion: Two quantities are said to be directly proportional, if on the increase (or decrease) of the one, the other increases (or decreases) to the same extent. Eg . Cost is directly proportional to the number of articles. (More Articles, More Cost) Indirect Proportion: Two quantities are said to be indirectly proportional, if on the increase of the one, the orther decreases to the same extent and vice-versa. Eg . The time taken by a car is covering a certain distance is inversely proportional to the speed of the car. (More speed, Less is the time taken to cover a distance.) Note..... I

Trigonometry.........[competitive. exam prep.... topic 34].

DEFINITION OF TRIGONOMETRY :- trigonometry is the branch of mathematics that is concerned with calculating the angles of triangles or the lengths of their sides. In this article we are provided the basic of trigonometry. Which are main topic in ssc exams. 4 –5 question are based on this topic in ssc exam and in the mainS of cgl 10 – 14 question are asked. So, it is the important one for preparation. Basically we first provide basic concept and identities that are used to solving question based on trigonometry. First of all you have to learn that following table. in trigonometry there is no trick based question asked but if you learn the basic concept of trigonometry then you are easily solve within few seconds. Candidates find this is very tough topic to prepare for ssc some candidates leaves these chapter question in exam but this chapter is so easily prepare if you practice hard with this chapter by learn table and identities. so, learn this following t

Square Root..............[competitive. exam prep.... topic 33].

SQUARE ROOTS TRICKS FOR FAST CALCULATION square is the important chapter in maths. 2-3 question are always based on this topics in every exams. While in banking 8 – 10 question are based on this square chapter or on the bases of square we provide tricks how to calculate SQUARE fast within seconds if you practice, practice and practice I think you will be able to solve square to 30 to 130 within few seconds and you can save time is exams. In this article we are solving squares  number with last digit 5. from 30 to 50. from 50 to 80. from 80 to 100. from 100 to 130. number with last digit 5. from 30 to 50. from 50 to 80. from 80 to 100. from 100 to 130. # Division Method  Step 1. Make Pair of digits of given number from left to right Step 2. Pick first pair, like here 6 find the square which is equals to 6 or less than it.Like 2 Step 3. So Place it to in the section of Quotient as well as in the divisor. Step 4: then  subtract from square of no

cube roots..........[competitive. exam prep.... topic 1]

In banking and many other exam there is many question related to cube roots. In exam specially banking 2-3 question are related to cube roots.In banking hard digit like 373248, 941192, 91125 etc are given and we have to find the cube of that number This is time consuming chapter in mathematics. We are providing shortcut tricks to find cube roots of a given number. First We Need To Learn This Following Table Carefully if you learn this table its helpful in finding cube of a given number. Basically last digit concept are used to find the cube root of given number  example......... How to find the cube of the given number # Method of Finding Cube Root of Perfect Cube if you practice practice and practice hard you can solve this within few seconds and save you time in exam hall. if you have any problem we can discuss in comments If this BLOG helped you please SHARE this with your friends...

profit and loss...........[competitive. exam prep.... topic 32].

Today we will be covering a very important topic from the quantitative aptitude section that is – Profit and loss.These formulas and shortcuts  will be helpful for your upcoming Exams like SSC 2016 Exams. If you like it let us know. Cost Price  The price, at which an article is purchased, is called its cost price, abbreviated as C.P. Selling Price The price, at which an article is sold, is called its selling prices, abbreviated as S.P. Profit/gain = SP – CP Profit % = Profit/(C P)×100 S P = (100+gain % )/100  ×C P C P = 100/(100+gain %)×S P Loss:  If the overall Cost Price exceeds the selling price of the buyer then he is said to have incurred loss. Loss = C P – S P Loss % = LOSS/(C P)×100 S P = (100-loss %)/100×C P C P = 100/(100-loss %)×S P Profit and Loss Based on Cost Price To find the percent gain or loss, divide the amount gained or lost by the cost.  Example : A toy that cost 80 rupees is sold at a profit of 20 rupees. Find the

Seating Arrangement.....[competitive. exam prep.... topic 31].

Today I am going to share technique to share seating arrangement (sitting arrangement) question sets. # Cases of Seating Arrangement Circle Square Rectangle Lines  # Solving Seating Arrangement Circle is the most important case from the exam point of view. Most of the times Circle kind of statements are there in exams.         From the exam point of view ,In most cases they give 8 person sitting in the circle. But Before Solving the important thing is their ' Sitting position '.  Step 1 . Knowing  NEWS ! N= North , E= East , W=West , S= South To remember this just remember combination ' North - South ' & ' West - East ' which comes together to each other respectively.   So remember  " WE are Not Smokers" for combination Now just place like this on paper Step 2 : Picking Left & Right . Facing Center  Facing Outside  If It is mention in the statement that all is facing outside then just do oppos

Clock based problems............[competitive. exam prep.... topic 30].

Clock based problems are one of the frequently asked questions in most of the competitive exam. To solve these problems, it is always better to understand some of the basic principles and the types of problems that get asked. In this post I hereby explained simple tricks and some simple formulas for solving clock based problems. In every competitive exams clock questions are categorized in to two ways. Problems in angles Problems on incorrect clocks Problems in angles    Method :1 Before we actually start solving problems on angles, we need to know couple of basic facts clear: Speed of the hour hand     = 0.5 degrees per minute (dpm) Speed of the minute hand  = 6 dpm At ‘n’ o’ clock, the angle of the hour hand from the vertical is 30n The questions based upon these could be of the following types Example : 1    What is the angle between the hands of the clock at 7:20 At 7 o’ clock, the hour hand is at 210 degrees from the vertical. In 20 minutes,

Train.............[competitive. exam prep.... topic 28]

Trains Shortcut Methods : Problems on trains are most frequently asked questions in any competitive exam. Problems on trains and ‘Time and Distance’ are almost same. The only difference is we have to consider the length of the train while solving problems on trains. Points To Remember Time taken by a train of length of L meters to pass a stationary pole is equal to the time taken by train to cover L meters. Time taken by a train of length of L meters to pass a stationary object of length P meters is equal to the time taken by train to cover (L + P) meters. If two trains are moving in same direction and their speeds are x km/h and y km/h (x > y) then their relative speed is (x – y) km/h. If two trains are moving in opposite direction and their speeds are x km/h and y km/h then their relative speed is (x + y) km/h. Unit Conversion km/h to m/sec conversion m/sec to km/h unit conversion Some Shortcut Methods Rule 1: If two trains of p meters and q meters ar