
Showing posts from March, 2015


1-A full day on the moon, from one sunrise to the next, lasts about 29.5 Earth days on average. 2-No man has been on the Moon in the last 41 years. 3-The moon is moving away from us by 3.78 cm (1.48 in) a year. 4-The original tapes of the Apollo 11 moon landing were erased and re-used by mistake. 5-Your mobile phone has more computing power than the computers used for the Apollo 11 moon landing. 6-It would take less than 6 months to get to the Moon by car at 60mph (95km/h). 7-The beautiful symmetry of a total solar eclipse happens because —by pure chance— the sun is 400 times larger than the moon, but is also 400 times farther from Earth, making the two bodies appear the exact same size in the sky. 8-The Moon is not round, but egg shaped. 9-Our moon is bigger than Pluto and 1/4 the diameter of Earth. 10-Of the six flagsplanted on the moon,five of themare still standing. 11-If there are two full moons in the same month, the second one is called blue moon

Facts about Plastic Bag.................

We should discuss the environmental impact of plastic bags to the world. Today, there are millions of plastic bags used by the people. In China, the people use 3 billion plastic bags every day. In the world, people use 1 trillion plastic bags. 1: Recycled : One ways to avoid too much plastic bags in the world is by recycling the plastic bags. BBC states that 1 of 200 plastic bags in United Kingdom is the recycled one. 2: ocean : The ocean is also affected by plastic bags. When people have a vacation in the beach, they will throw the plastic bags there. Based on the data in 2008, plastic bag was the second item that people can find on the ocean. The first one was the cigarette butts. 3: The Consumption Of Plastic Bag : Let’s find out the consumption of plastic bag annually in the world. The data state that the consumption of plastic bags fall between 500 billion to 1 trillion bags each year. Get plastic facts here. 4: the family : When the family members

Somthing very interesting about SALT...

1.We eat 7 per cent of all salt production. The other 93 per cent is used by the chemical industry. 2. The first great Roman road was the Via Salaria (salt road), leading from Rome to the Adriatic Sea, where salt was gathered. 3. The word ‘salary’ comes from the Latin for ‘salt’ not, as has often been claimed, because Roman soldiers were paid in salt, but because they used to buy salt with the money they were paid. 4. In the 18th and 19th century, blocks of salt were used as currency in Abyssinia (now Ethiopia). 5. Coincidentally, a man named Henry Salt wrote a book called ‘A Voyage to Abyssinia’ in 1814. 6. The Palacio de Sal Hotel and Spa in Bolivia is completely made out of salt. 7. Eating too much salt can kill you. In fact, salt-eating was a method of suicide in ancient China. 8. In Leonardo da Vinci’s painting of The Last Supper, Judas Iscariot is seen behind a spilt salt cellar. Hence the belief that spilt salt is unlucky. 9. “With all thine offerings


Holi is an ancient festival of India and was originally known as  'Holikaa'  The festivals finds a detailed description in early religious works such as Jaimini's Purvamimamsa-Sutras and Kathaka-Grhya-Sutras. Historians also believe that Holi was celebrated by all Aryans but more so in the Eastern part of India. It is said that Holi existed several centuries before Christ. However, the meaning of the festival is believed to have changed over the years. Earlier it was a special rite performed by married women for the happiness and well-being of their families and the full moon (Raka) was worshiped.  The Legend of Holika and Prahlad........... There was once a demon king by the name of Hiranyakashyap who won over the kingdom of earth. He was so egoistic that he commanded everybody in his kingdom to worship only him. But to his great disappointment, his son, Prahlad became an ardent devotee of Lord Naarayana and refused to worship his father. Hiranyakashyap tri

Fourth INDIAN Navigational Satellite Going to launch on March 9..........

India will move closer to its own satellite navigation system with the launch of its fourth satellite tentatively slated for March 9, "The launch is tentatively planned for March 9 evening around 6.35pm IST. However final green signal for the launch will be given days ahead of the satellite launch,". The LAB meeting is slated for March 6. The 59-hour countdown is expected to begin on March 7 morning. Weighing 1,425kgs ,  the fourth of the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) satellite- IRNSS-1D would be flown into space in an Indian rocket called Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle-XL. After its successful launch and commissioning IRNSS-ID is expected to make India among select group of countries having its own satellite navigation system. The satellite has a life span of around 10 years. Currently India is knocking at the door step of an exclusive space club - navigation satellite system owing club - that has the US, Russia, China and Japan as member

How tax benefits for individual below 60 years ???????

A tax (from the Latin taxo; "rate") is a financial charge or other levy imposed upon a taxpayer (an individual or legal entity) by a state or the functional equivalent of a state to fund various public expenditures. A failure to pay, or evasion of or resistance to taxation, is usually punishable by law. Here's how tax benefits for individual below 60 years add up to Rs 4,40,200 as claimed by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley: Basic exemption limit: Rs 2.5 lakh Deduction under Section 80C: Rs 1.5 lakh Deduction under Sec 80D: Rs 25,000 (up from Rs 15,000) Increase in transport allowance from Rs 800 to Rs 1,600: Rs 19,200 Rs 2.5 lakh + Rs 1.5 lakh + Rs 25,000 + Rs 19,200 = Rs 4,44,200

How Extra benefit of Rs 50,000 on NPS is beneficial...........

While planning your money think long term, says the finance minister. In the union budget announced today, finance minister Arun Jaitley has chosen to hike present limit of Rs 1 lakh under section 80CCD of Income Tax Act to Rs 1.5 lakh per year.  The gift offers dual benefits to taxpayers – first they can save income tax and second they can ensure regular cash flow in the golden years of the life in the form of monthly pension. But how easy or difficult it is? Section 80CCD allows salaried individuals to enjoy tax shelter in addition to Rs 1.5 lakh investment limit introduced under section 80C, if their employers contribute to the new pension scheme.  The contribution by the employer should be limited to 10% of the salary paid to the employee. This means that you have to cajole your employer to contribute more to NPS.  Salaried individuals can themselves invest in NPS and claim tax deduction under section 80C. However self-employed individuals do benefit in this as long as

BHEL Recruitment 2015 ................

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), Haridwar current openings for Trade Apprenticeship April 2015. Eligible ITI Holders Apply Online on or before 10th March 2015. Post Name......Trade Apprenticeship (ITI) No of Posts ........278 (Draftsman (Mechanical) - 05, Electrician - 30, Electronics (Mech) - 01, Fitter - 86, Machinist - 68, Motor Mechanic Vehicle - 01, Turner - 38, Welder - 35, Pattern Maker - 02, Forger & Heat Treatment - 04, Foundry Man – 08) Age Limit : 18 to 27 Years for General, 30 Years for OBC, 32 Years for SC/ST. Educational Qualifications: Matriculation with ITI in required Trade from recognized Institute. Candidates passed in 2013, 2014 and 2015 Batch only eligible for apply. Selection Process: Written Exam and Personal Interview. How To Apply : Eligible candidates are required to Apply Online through BHEL Haridwar website on or before 10/03/2015 .  After take print out of Hard Copy of Online Application along with required photo-copie